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Fawzia Bardag-Gorce

Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor—UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA


Fawzia Bardag-Gorce has been studying Ocular Surface Disease for the last six years, and has since published and co‑authored six peer-reviewed publications in the field. She began her research on the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency using cultured autologous oral mucosa epithelial cell sheet (CAOMECS). During these six years, and under her supervision and guidance, her lab has successfully completed pre-clinical studies related to the efficacy and safety of CAOMECS cell-based therapy. She is currently directing a new study approved by the Institutional Research Board in which subjects are being recruited for the human oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet characterization. The long-term goal of this study is to regenerate corneal epithelium in patient with severe ocular surface diseases using autologous oral mucosa epithelial cell sheet grafts.



Abstract : Expression of ALDH in cultured autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet (CAOMECS) grafts for ocular surface reconstruction