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Sergio Ozan

Sergio Ozan

CEPROC Centro de Prótesis Oculares y Contactología Especializada, Mendoza, Argentina


Optician, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Specialist in Contact Lenses. Specialist and manufacturer of ocular prosthesis. Scientific adviser  for ocular prosthesis in APO (Asociación Profesional de Optómetras in Argentina). Precursor and creator of multiperforated orbital implant, JUMAT. Precursor and creator of expander orbit asmotic hydrogel filling for microophthalmia. Director of CEPROC.  Director of Ocular Prosthesis Division in Perfect Vision, Santiago, Chile. Developer of one-hour customized ocular prosthesis method, unique in Latinamerica. Precursor and creator of the first prosthetic scleral lens.


Abstract : Scleral Prosthetic Lenses