Faisal Fayyad
Senior Vitreo-retinal surgeon
Jordanian Hospital
Senior Vitreo-retinal consultant at the Jordanian Hospital in Amman. Fayyad graduated from Rome University (La Sapienza) in 1976, and completed his residency program in ophthalmology at the same university between 1977 and 1981 with honors. He then traveled to Canada and completed a two year fellowship program in clinical Retina, at the department of ophthalmology at Ottawa University. He served at the Jordanian ministry of health hospitals and the King Hussein Medical Center as well as at the Jordan University Hospital.An examiner at the Jordanian Board of Ophthalmology. Fayyad is involved in training ophthalmologists in Vitreo-retinal surgery.
Research Interest
penetrating trauma of the eye, complicated retinal detachment, complicated diabetic PDR cases, etc