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Ming Ronnier Luo

Ming Ronnier Luo

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Title: Development of comprehensive colour appearance model


Biography: Ming Ronnier Luo


The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is responsible to provide standards and procedures for specifying colour and light. It should serve the three main functions of colour science: colour specification, colour difference evaluation and colour appearance prediction. The overall goal of this presentation is to develop a comprehensive colour appearance model (CCAM). For colour specification, CIE 1931 and 1964 systems specify XYZ values for 2o and 10o fields of view, respectively. CIE2006 system has recently been proposed to specify colours for different field sizes and different age of observers. For colour difference evaluation, the CIE proposed two uniform colour spaces, CIELAB and CIELUV in 1976. All colours can be presented to show their relative positions in a 3D space. CIEDE2000 formula was proposed to calculate colour-differences across different industries. In 2006 and 2017, the author proposed CAM02-UCS and Jzazbz UCSs. The latter provides high perceptual uniformity, accurate hue linearity and neutral point convergence, highly desired for HDR and WCG applications. It can be further extended to become a CAM. For predicting colour appearance, the CIE proposed CIECAM02 for the colour management of digital imaging systems. The model is capable of predicting appearance of surface colours under different viewing conditions in terms of lightness, brightness, colourfulness, chroma, saturation and hue composition. Those attributes have recently been extended to include vividness, whiteness and blackness. New models were also developed to predict the appearance of stimulus in isolated field such as CAM15u for unrelated colours. This is particularly useful for light and lighting applications. A list of new colour appearance data will be provided to develop the CCAM. New research instrument based on spectrum tunable multi-channel LED system will be introduced to acquire some of these data.