Shweta Kosamia
Title: To study the clinical profile of patients presenting with pseudoexfoliation.
Biography: Shweta Kosamia
INTRODUCTION : Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is an age related systemic disease with primary Ocular manifestations characterized by deposition of whitish gray fibrillogranular amyloid like materials on the anterior lens capsule, zonules, ciliary body, pupillary margin of the iris, corneal endothelium, anterior vitreous and trabecular meshwork.
MATERIALS & METHODS: The study included 540 patients of age 45 years and above of either sex who come to the Ophthalmology OPD of MGM HOSPITAL & MEDICAL COLLEGE, AURANGABAD during the period from September 2012 to August 2014.
RESULTS: In present study 540 patients of both gender of age 45 years and above were enrolled, the prevalence of pseudoexfoliation syndrome found to be 5.92% ,out of 540 patients 21(9.05%) male were found to have pseudoexfoliation as compared to 11 (3.98%) females. The prevalence of pseudoexfoliation is found to increase with age in this study. Maximum prevalence is 11.56% in 61-70 years of age group, the youngest patient with pseudoexfoliation was 55 years old. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome may caused spectrum of serious ocular and surgical problems related to cataract surgery. Thus awareness of the structural and functional features of this disorder may help avoid or minimize most of them.