Faisal Fayyad
Jordanian Hospital, Jordan
Title: Bimanual Surgery in The Management of Complicated Diabetic Vitrectomy
Biography: Faisal Fayyad
Key points
What is bi-manual surgery?
We use both upper ports as active ones i.e. we utilize the upper left port to insert active instruments (like cutters, forceps and scissors). However, we need a light source to substitute for the endo-illuminator.
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
RD complicated with PVR
Dislocated lens/ IOL
Better surgical control
Reduced frequency of instruments change during surgery and less iatrogenic complications
Reduce overall time of surgery
Difficult cases become more amenable to surgery
Minimize need for an assistant
Chandelier Lights
My preference is to use a 2 twin lights to eliminate the need to reposition the fiber and minimizes the shadow seen with single-fiber chandelier endo-illumination because the illumination comes from 2 different directions.
Advantages of Chandelier
The working distance for light irradiation is important, and holding the light probes as far away from the retina as possible increases safety.
The self-retaining nature of chandelier endoilluminators frees up my hand from holding a light probe, allowing true bimanual manipulation during surgery.
Bimanual approach is the safest and the most effective approach in the management of complicated diabetic vitrectomies.